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Edline, Moodle, British Indian Ocean Territory

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fanon #4.5

Now, in this section of Fanon, we again enter the writer's (Not Thomas', not the writer's moms', not Fanon's) perspective. He shares his thoughts on writing and wonders at how mysterious language itself is. As he is "sitting here thinking about how slowly the light leaves the sky this far west and north in France, fades reluctantly" (139). John Wideman, the author, then goes on to ponder the strangeness of the way words form in one's mind and how we came to use certain sounds and symbols to express ourselves and become civilized. But then his thinking becomes much more grounded as he exclaims to himself, "many thoughts like these, so many they must be flying faster than the speed of light, or at least enough to...rescue me from this one screaming thought: this thinking's all fine and dandy but it's not the book, where the fuck's the book" (143).This passage makes the author a relatable person, one who like all of us, wonders about the mysteries of the universe, only to remember themselves and face reality once more.

1 comment:

Ngoc/Jimmy said...

Many of us like to ponder out of reality into a world of make belief, however at one point or another we would have to come back. Your character in the book seems to wonder off, but when he comes back he comes back to reality with anger as if to try and realize something about it.